

Cleaning Jobs in Mines

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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Modern mining projects in Alaska and Canada are often located in remote areas with no nearby available housing for employees. Consequently, mine employees work what are known as a rotation schedules, which means that they stay in on-site housing provided by the mine for a period of two to four weeks. After that time is finished, they leave the mine for a two week period. Many employees of Alaska mines live thousands of miles away from the job site.

Employee housing at mines normally consists of basic rooms with beds, dressers, lamps, tables and chairs. Two or more people usually share a room, and strict policies concerning behavior usually exist. Occupants are expected to be respectful of others' property, and strict policies against drug and alcohol are usually enforced. Meals are served buffet-style and taken in a common dining room with set times of operation.

Cooks and housekeepers are an important part of mine operations. Housekeepers are responsible for cleaning rooms, bathrooms, hallways and common areas, and they usually assist with meal preparation as well. Twelve-hour shifts are normal, and the typical rotation schedule for a housekeeper at a mine is tow weeks on and two weeks off.

Although cleaning jobs in mines involve hard work and being away from home for periods of time, it's possible to earn a decent income from doing this type of work. Beginning hourly rates are about $12 per hour, which may not seem like much, but because of the 12-hour shifts and seven day a week work schedule, a substantial amount of those hours will paid at time-and-a-half as overtime. Workers also have no expenses at the mine because room and board are supplied by the employer. Travel costs involved in getting to and from the mine are also a normal aspect of employment packages.

Although many openings for cleaning jobs art mines exist, finding them isn't always easy. The owners and managers of the mines themselves usually are not the ones responsible for hiring for these positions. Employment companies exist that supply culinary and housekeeping personnel to remote job sites at mines and oilfields, and interested parties should contact these companies.

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Career Options: Cleaning Jobs Cleaning Jobs?

If you are seeking an entry level position with room for advancement then consider a career in cleaning jobs cleaning jobs. These jobs are available to those who are physically able to clean spaces that businesses need cleaned. One of the best parts about cleaning jobs cleaning jobs is that they offer great flexibility in the work that you will be required to perform. There are cleaning jobs cleaning jobs that will appeal to almost everyone. Night owls will want to take cleaning jobs cleaning jobs that are able to be performed during the nighttime hours. These jobs are great for those who are self motivated and like to work with little supervision. There are also early morning cleaning jobs that offer these same benefits to early risers. Since there are so many cleaning jobs cleaning jobs available, it is best to choose the type of cleaning job that best suits your personality and disposition. Most cleaning jobs cleaning jobs can be applied for by nearly anyone. There is usually no language requirements. The only requirements are that you are physically able to do the job. This could involved heavy lifting and exposure to chemical cleaners. These jobs are usually not appropriate for the disabled or for those who suffer from chemical sensitivity. The salaries that are offered by these jobs vary greatly. The most basic jobs will offer a low wages and sometimes will not have much in the way of benefits. As the jobs become more specialized, the salaries and the benefits packages both increase. The key to making money with cleaning jobs cleaning jobs is to be able to work flexible hours and to be willing to learn on the job. Some cleaning jobs cleaning jobs will require that you pass a background check before you can be employed. Most of these jobs deal with cleaning in environments that house sensitive populations such as schools, hospitals and elder care facilities. These jobs seek to weed out those with criminal histories and those who have had abusive charges in their past. One of the many benefits of this type of work is that there is room for advancement into administrative and managerial positions.

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Are there any office cleaning jobs in the Sapulpa,Oklahoma 74066 areas ?

You should check out for information on cleaning jobs in the area.

Is there an abudance of cleaning jobs available in Oregon?

Currentl y there is a large amount of cleaning jobs in Oregon. The economy there is starting to imrpove.

What jobs do people in Afghanistan have?

jobs like farming

Where can I search for cleaning jobs?

Go to google and type in your city and cleaning jobs to see if there is someone local that is looking for someone that needs your help.

How much do apartment cleaning jobs pay in south Florida?

Apartment cleaning jobs generally pays about $10/hour in south Florida