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yes your going to fail

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Q: You havent smoked marijuana in 3 12 months and you smoked a little a week and a half ago will you fail a drug test today?
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Havent smoked for eight months how long will one hit of marijuana take to get out of your system?

a week

What did Hitler do 6 months after the Conference?

He smoked a little marijuana and meth and committed suicide.

Can marijuana get out of your system in 20 days if you haven't smoked it in about 3 weeks?

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I smoked only a little bit of marijuana 9 months ago will and i tested positive is that possible?

no your good 30 days is about avg time

How would marijuana show up in someones system if they havent smoked in 40 days will other meds taken interfer?

If THC has shown up, they either smoked it or was around others who smoked it. Other drugs do not make the tests come back positive for marijuana.

A friend smoked marijuana last week but had not smoked in months prior to that and he needs to pass a drug test will he pass?

No, sorry

Can they tell if you have smoked marijuana in my sperm?

Yes, up to three months after you smoked the joint depending on size and how many fat cells you have.

If you have not smoked marijuana in months and you smoked less than 24 hours before you took a swab test will you pass?

you most likely will pass

What is the quickest way to clean your system completely of marijuana. i have about 2 months before my first drug test. i havent smoked in a week but i used to smoke about 2 blunts worth a day.?

There is no magic way to "clear your system" of marijuana. As long as you don't use again before the test, you'll probably be okay.

If you havent smoked weed for 2 months dhould you be clean?

Close it usually takes about 90 days to leave your system.

What if I smoked on the 11th and have a test on the 18th will i pass the drug test I only did 2 blunts shared and i havent smoked weed like 6 months except that time Im 5'7 and weight 160pounds with?

If you truly hadn't smoked for months prior then you should be fine by the 18th. No worries.

You smoked two months ago will you pass drug test?

Yes. Marijuana stays in your system for 30 days.