Physical therapists, like doctors, nurses, and massage therapists are licensed by state agencies. So, if you move to another state, you will have to reapply for a license in that sate you wish to practice. There are a few states that do not have state licensure for massage, then you will have to apply to the local governing agency.
You can go to to look for physical therapy schools in Michigan.
A massage therapist in Florida needs a license to practice massage, regardless of the setting. Please follow the link for more information.
All States regulate the practice of physical therapy. Eligibility requirements vary by State. Typical requirements for physical therapists include graduation from an accredited physical therapy education program; passing the National Physical Therapy Examination; and fulfilling State requirements such as jurisprudence exams. A number of States require continuing education as a condition of maintaining licensure.
You can get physical therapy classes at a local practice. You can also get them at hospitals. Some doctors offices will offer Physical Therapy, but not most.
No. Not if you charge money.
Yes, it is illegal to practice therapy without a license in most jurisdictions. Licensing ensures that therapists have met specific education and training requirements to provide safe and effective therapy to clients. Engaging in therapy without a license can result in legal actions and potential harm to clients.
the answer is no!
A physical therapist needs to do the same thing as anyone else that wants to get a massage therapy license. They need to go to an accredited school and pass the state or national exam, then apply for a license in their jurisdiction.
I am a chiropractor and can tell you that the answer is an unequivival no. A chiropractor cannot work as a licensed physical therapy assistant unless they are licensed as a physical therapist or physical therapy assistant. Chiropractors can practice physiotherapy(P.T) but cannot practice physcical therapy(P.T). In the same way, physical therapists can sometimes manipulate the spine but they can't practice chiropractic unless they are also a licensed chiropractor. Medicare requires that a P.T or P.T.A perform the physical therapy -not a chiropractor.
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