If you are not computer literate you need to take some classes, or online lessons to become knowledgeable. Most companies today use computers for everything from billing and accounting to accessing databases and e-mail. You will be at a great disadvantage if you do not have computer skills.
Being computer savvy can have many practical payoffs including being qualified for higher paying jobs our being able to freelance.
Karol isn't savvy when it comes to the subect of sentence composition. he is, however, intensely computer savvy.
It means you're experienced with computers.
Yes, you can repair a hard drive yourself if you are tech savvy. I cannot, but others with technical computer experience may be able to do it with out any difficulty. If you are unsure, you can bring the device in for repair, although it will be an additional cost to you.
"Savvy" in French can be spelled as "savoir-faire."
It means you know how to use computers, maybe better than the average person. Example: a person who can use a computer in a manner that seems almost natural, and they don't have to ask questions about how to do things on the computer is computer savvy.
One must be computer savvy in order to do a DNS, or Domain Name System, check. How this is done would depend on whether the computer you are using is a Windows or a Macintosh machine.
The user interface system that is installed in the computer doesn't work well with the computer savvy people.
Depending on how computer savvy you are, Word is a good software program.
Labor costs at most computer stores are quite expensive, you are better off finding a computer savvy friend to do it for you.
There are a few services online that will do your payroll for you, or you can using payroll software that will often come with a walk through wizard to help you get started. If you are computer savvy, doing payroll yourself can save big money.
While it is not incredibly difficult to build a pc if you are tech savvy, it does require patience and time to do correctly.