Many reasons why people feel that training is irrelevant and boring is due to the fact that managers (Human Resources) have not taken the proper steps to identify the audience and relaying the importance of training the employee. Some blame may also be put on the employee themselves if they are dissatisfied with the job or came in the doors closed minded already (being defeated before even starting the training).
As a trainer, you really need to respect the ADDIE Model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). They majority of the time needs to be spent on the Analysis portion. This is basically determining the point of training and the benefits of having it. This cannot be stressed enough since employees will feel that it is a time waste and they have other priorities in their day. Also, this affects all other steps thereafter.
It is boring.
army ranger of course .. how long can you hold on to a boring job.?? its much harder to train someone for a boring job also..
The boring thing about science might be all the facts. Nearly everyone thinks it is fantastic to make tests and tryout the theories. The boring part is the math and how to understand science.
bit, borer, gimlet, boring tool training, exercise, discipline, preparation, repitition
bit, borer, gimlet, boring tool training, exercise, discipline, preparation, repitition
because they like adult programs and kids think they are boring because they are not in to it does that answer your question What is boring to you now, will be interesting to you when you are the age of your parents. Besides, there is something cool to learn from what others might think is boring, until they give the subject a chance, they think it boring, but after awhile the subject becomes interesting. It is a matter of age and what a person is interested in viewing. answered by kelly2904
Fod that may be considered boring would be dry and tasteless. Such food would be better with added flavoring, a special sauce or seasoning.
This a workout fitness routine that uses a combination of cardiovascular, strength training and weight training. Using a combination of exercise keeps the workout from getting boring.
you don't do anything more except catching more pokemon and training. I know it's quite boring
It can get boring after a while if you don't increase the intensity and if you don't increase it,it won't work on or improve your cardio.
It's an expression. Roughly translated to my it means "there are thing in this world so cool, that after you did them, anything else becomes irrelevant and boring, so you can die happy with no regrets."
more boring, most boring