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becasue it make you look lazy the guy could be talking to you and your all slowghed over and the guy thinks "hey this guy is lazy why should I give him a job NO JOB FOR YOU" so when your at a job intervew stand up straite look fowared and answer ever question fully and to the point

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Q: Why shouldn't you slouch at an interview?
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How do you spell slouch?

Slouch is the correct spelling.

What is a sentence using slouch?

She tends to slouch in her chair when she gets tired.

What is a sentence for the word slouch?

His brother called him a slouch for not helping with the yard cleaning. Students should not slouch against the walls. The gangster's characteristic slouch disguised the machine gun under his coat.

Does slouch mean weaken?

No. Slouch means- a drooping movement or appearance.

How do you use the slouch in a sentence?

During the weekend Holiday most of people slouch on their bed

What actors and actresses appeared in Slouch - 2011?

The cast of Slouch - 2011 includes: Olly Reed

How can your manners affect an employers decision to hire you?

A great deal, believe it. On paper, you can be exactly what the employer is looking for, but in the interview, if you slouch and lounge, snap gum and answer questions with wisecracks - you ain't gonna get the job, pal!

Can you get a sentence with word slouch?

I was always taught not to slouch when I walked; I was told to always stand up straight.

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couch slouch pouch

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Why do i slouch?

Because you live in Notre Dame

Who invented the slouch hat?

It was invented by Simpson