

Why should you set goals?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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so you can achieve them and be success in your life

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

So if you wanna have a good job you work really hard so u can graduate and be what ever you wanna be

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Why are personal goals set before financial goals?

Personal goals should be set first because your financial goals will be based on them.

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What goals should you have after college?

Those that you choose to set yourself.

What kinds of goals should you set for yourself when you begin a new course?

Spacific goals. (apex)

How can we set our business goals?

Business goals are set on the business plain, Make sure what type of business you want to start, you should set a goal for profit in minimum days.

What should you set goals for?

we must alws goalour self with golad :P

Why should i set goals to challenge my abilities?

So that you grow and develop as a person.

What goals including careers goals have you set for your life?

Many different people have different goals for later life. This is a rather personal question and should not be answered completely.

How do you answer interview questions what goals did you set for yourself this past year and did you achieve them?

This is a common question in job interviews. The interviewee should consider the goals which they have set themselves. They should then go on to think about how they were achieved. If they were not achieved, then the reason for this needs to be considered too.

How a marketer should set its goal or objective?

A marketer should set clear, specific, and measurable goals that align with the overall business objectives. The goals should be realistic and achievable within a specific timeframe. It's important to consider the target audience, market conditions, and available resources when setting marketing goals. Tracking progress and adjusting strategies as needed is essential to achieving these goals successfully.

Describe the goals you had set out to accomplish for this time period?

The goals that you set for a company should : 1) Benefit the company 2) Benefit you Remember the company has to see how you can benefit it or you won't be around to benefit from it

How do you set and achieve goals?

to achieve a goal you should work harder and concentrate only in the goal