it is more easy to meet others people to discuss of what kind of business are you involve so that they will know .
Generally just the owner(s), bakers/chefs and delivery persons. Other business persons when they make enough money like accountants, security, etc.
Business activities that involve exchanges across national boundaries
"Actuaries are skilled business people who do assessments of risk and security in the financial areas of businesses. It involves quality math skills, a good understanding of business, and membership depends on the country."
a company is a commercial business group of people involve in some type of services or production. Agency are intermediate firm working for B2B, B2C and C2C business structure.
The communication that doesn't involve any word is called as Oral Business Communication.
Business development involves creating products and services that broaden the market. Marketing and sales are integral to business development in a company.
You have to determine if it's a viable business in your area. Do not involve your personal interests with your business interests. It means, don't pick a car because you want to drive that car. Pick a car because other people are interested in renting the vehicle.