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Because it makes your job much easier without having to yell and it gets their attention.

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Q: Why does a lifeguard use a whistle?
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Name an occupation where you might use a whistle?

Coach/whistle Traffic Cop Lifeguard Train Engineer

Where do you find the lifeguard whistle in Club Penguin?

it will be in the gift shop soon

A professional who blows a whistle?

Traffic Cop Referee LifeGuard Coach Crossing Guard

Three blasts from a lifeguards whistle means?

Where I lifeguard, 3 whistles mean for a 15 minute break due to Florida Law. In England and Wales this means a lifeguard is about to attempt a rescue (3 whistles, lifeguard goes in)

Who do you become a life guard in club penguin?

You can buy the lifeguard suit at the sport shop and you can buy the whistle.

Club penguin how do you become a lifegurad?

Wear the lifeguard outfit and whistle. If someone is drowning go and save them. You must keep a close eye on the water! If there are sharks,fish, or squid eating penguins you must stop them! You could also enforce the no puffles in the water rule if you want. Use your whistle when you see danger or someone drowning!

What whistle does Howard Webb use?

wolf whistle

Club penguin how do you get a whistle?

Silver Whistles can be purchased from the Sports Catalouge in the Soccer Pitch/Hockey Ring in the Sports Booth. (Ever since the Sports Shop exploded with Popcorn, that's where the Sports catalouge has been located). They return every year like many other items.

How do you use whistle in a sentence as a verb?

I whistle when I'm scared.Sometimes, I whistle but only make a blowing sound.I whistle to keep a good mood.

What are the use of whistle in first aid?

what is a whistle used for in first aid

How use whistle in a sentence as a noun?

The referee blew his whistle to signal that there was a penalty.