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After leaving the gunbarrel, the only force preventing straight line motion is gravity, the result is (apart from firing straight up) a flight path in the form of a parobolic curve.

Using the launch angle and velocity, break into horiontal and vertical velocity vectors.

Horizontal velocity vector is contant horizontal velocity.

Vertical velocity vector will obey newtons laws up and down

Using time intervals, you can plot the curve.

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Q: Why do projectiles move in a curve?
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How do projectiles move?

Projectiles move through the air due to the initial force propelling them, typically provided by a launcher or a person's action. Once in motion, projectiles follow a curved path known as a trajectory, influenced by gravity pulling them downward. Factors like air resistance and the projectile's shape can also affect its movement.

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As you are powering your shot, move your analog stick the way that you want the ball to curve

Which of these is a true statement about projectiles?

projectiles can be fin or spin stabilized

Which would be the best that describes why projectiles move in a curved path?

Projectiles move in a curved path due to a combination of their initial velocity and the acceleration due to gravity. Gravity continuously acts on the projectile, causing it to follow a parabolic trajectory, even if it was given an initial velocity in a straight line.

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the good's own price is changing.

As you move from left to right the aggregate demand curve?

slopes downward

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The supply curve of that good will increase or move to the right because the cost of production will have decreased.

Are there projectiles among animals?

I think the question is about projectile motion, Yes the animals jumping is the best example of projectile motion, when they jump a parabolic curve is formed thus their jumping could be taken as an example of projectile motion.......

True or false Because of earths gravitational pull and their own inertia projectiles travel in a straight path?

False. Projectiles do not travel in a straight path due to the combined effects of gravity and inertia. Gravity causes projectiles to follow a curved path while inertia causes them to maintain their forward motion. This results in a curved trajectory known as a parabola.

Is space is really curve?

The sir of astronomy said that space is curve but how that is possible according to me space can not curve if space is the form of curve than all galleries ,plants ,stars, and everything which belong to universe will be move in the same way but there are moving in special curve path . The curve path be may because of different forces which make them make is a curve path. The forces are well know my as . But on curve path I have a example suppose that you are moving on a path the path is curve you are moving in a straight line with any speed but it appear to as that we are moving in a curve path. in reality we are moving in straight line. same condition of earth which are moving in a curve due to same special forces not in a curve space. Now we know very wall that the curve path is due to same special forces which force any body to move in a curve path . In short the curve is due to same force , it is not mean that space is curve. If so than the shape of space is like Imagine the image