If pilots get caught in a storm, the plane is vulnruble to damage. If it is badly dameged, the plane will have to make a emergency landing. If this is over water, people could drown when the plane hits the water. So, pilots always check the wheather before they leave. If the weather is bad, they won't fly.
It is not an essential requirement for employment. Though everyone need to know some geography.
Well... they need to know how to fly a plane
they need to know where everything is
it affects the geography by ............ i don't know either i need help too
Pilots need to know wind velocity to calculate the effect of wind on their aircraft's speed, heading, and fuel consumption. This information is crucial for flight planning, navigation, and ensuring the safety and efficiency of the flight.
Geography assists pilots by providing information on terrain, weather patterns, and navigation points. Pilots use geographical features like mountains, rivers, and coastlines as visual references to help them navigate and stay clear of obstacles. Understanding geographic locations also helps pilots plan efficient flight routes and make informed decisions during flight.
If they are pilots they should. ;)
Private military companies are not authorized to engage enemies offensively. Therefore, PMCs have no need for fighter pilots. However I do know they hire helecopter pilots and may (i dont know for sure) hire pilots for transport purposes
The need of geography is because in social studies you need to know geography in order to write biography book and to answer a question in a social studies test like on Christopher Columbus
i don't know.......... science? Maybe geography?
The need of geography is because in social studies you need to know geography in order to write biography book and to answer a question in a social studies test like on Christopher Columbus
You will need 2 pilots