I can be a very useful tool for the enterprise. Whatever it is that I do I take it very seriously and this job would be no exception.
There are two types of pride: one is to feel good about yourself after a job well done. The other one means to feel above another person in status.
A person may feel qualified for a job, because they have previous experience from other jobs. A person may also be qualified because of a college education.
yes ofcourse it is a good job
I can gain the teams trust, I can take the lead easily in a team , good communicator with others, I am not afraid to speak up .
So basiclly a Nurse and Doctor would be good job for an injured person. As you might have known that.
A person can get a good paying job over the age of 60 if the person has needed skills. The person will need to fill out job applications in fields that he has experience in.
a person is good at their job if they have been working a long time at the job and do a lot of hard work
desribe all the senses you feel .what you smell what you feel etc
they feel bad when they are not with jb they feel good when jb is with them
Having a job adds to a person's "self esteem," also called ego-strength. If you don't feel good about yourself - and feel needed or wanted, then esteem suffers. Esteem is projected to others in conversation and appearance. Salespeople need good ego-strength to deal with repeated rejections.
Because you need to support your ghetto self or more politely because you feel the need to support yourself instead of being a leach and living off parents Or you might have gotten a job because you were the most qualified person that applied for the job.