They don't have to employ a certain number of people from ethnic or disabled backgrounds. However - Under UK employment laws they are forbidden to discriminate on the grounds of race, creed, colour or disability. If a prospective candidate is qualified to do the job they're applying for - they must be considered for the post regardless.
There are not any specific companies which only offer residential lifts for disabled people. All of the companies on the market which offer lifts will also supply lifts for disabled people.
9 people
Clinics and hospitals
The Largest employers in this Country that Employ Multiple People or Oil Companies Such as Baker Hughes, Apache Energy, and Chevron, BP also employs a great deal of people Nation wide through Contracting.
Large financial companies such as Bank of America or Chase Bank employ people who work as credit consultants. They work with consumers on evaluating their credit needs.
Process control jobs can be found in the engineering fields and in instrumentation fields. Some companies that employ people in this field are Aerotek, Kelley Engineering and CIBER. These job listings can be found on and
Rich people often have an important involvement in large companies. These large companies then employ most of the population. Cashiers at a grocery store are typically not rich people. However, the people who run the company they work for (wal-mart, cub foods, target, etc..) are usually wealthy. When rich people buy a new car, yacht, house, etc... they help employ the people who build them, mechanics, oil companies, people who work at gas stations, the list goes on. Rich people help employ the middle/lower class.
Yes, several bathtub companies make tubs for disabled people. For example, you can get a walk in bathtub at
Companies such as Integra, Sprint, and Time Warner employ people in the telecommunications industry. These companies have been reported to have a low turn over in their telecom positions within their companies.
Companies that employ advertising consultants are usually companies who need help getting their new products sold. Sometimes when a company is desperate they will hire one and then they may get more sales.
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