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Q: Why did the office of detective in this country basically evolve in the private sector?
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Why did the profession of detective in this country basically evolve in the private sector?

Not exactly sure what you are asking -however- detectives involved in the law enforcement area investigate ONLY criminal offenses. Civil cases and/or violations of civil law (if they need investigation at all) have to be done by someone. Thus the profession of private investigators evolved. There are private investigators that work in the criminal area, but they are mainly either self-emplopyed or are on the staff of criminal defense firms who employ them to bolster the defendants side of the case.

How do you evolve a beldum when its on lvl 53?

Basically, you just evolve it twice from level 53 and it will evolve. (It evolves at level 55)

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XD is generation 3 and Lickilicky is generation 4, so basically you cannot evolve Lickitung

Where do you get chimchar?

you can trade it or do a private offer to someone but first he must evolve it into monferno

Can you evolve yanma in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't evolve Yanma in Leafgreen. This is because Leafgreen was made before Yanmega was made. So basically in Leafgreen, Yanma is a Pokemon that can't evolve.

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Golbat does not evolve by level. It evolves by taking special care of it, giving it love and care, basically being a good trainer to it.

What level does hondour evolve in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon?

It is able to evolve at level 24 and up. So basically you can evolve it anytime you want after finishing the main story and having it at least level 24.

What level does rhydon evolve in Pokemon diamond?

Basically Rhydon doesn't evolve on a certain level. You need to have Rhydon hold a Protector and Trade it, with a another person.

What level does Latvia evolve in Pokemon?

Latvia is a country.

In the Pokemon TCG there is a Silcoon card that has the move Ascension which basically allows you to evolve Silcoon into Beautifly so can you use this move after you evolve Wurmple in the same turn?

NO but good question

How does evalution happen?

Evaluation happens when the climate, temperature, or surface moves and changes, what ever is living on it must evolve in order to survive the new conditions. Basically they are forced to evolve.

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The saber tooth tigers did not evolve as some animals did years ago. These animals basically went extinct because they were not able to adapt to the changes of the environment.