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Aristotle's classification of animals grouped together animals with similar characters into genera and then distinguished the species within the genera. He also divided animals in a 2-group and 3-group system. The 2 group system was blood and bloodless and the three group system was in terms of their movement: walking, flying and swimming (land, air or water). As can be seen such a system is too simple to classify the amount of animals we have today and so Aristotle's system became less useful. Just think for a moment, with a system so simple how would the millions of microorganisms found today be classified? By: A 2007 UWI Student Aristotle's classification of animals grouped together animals with similar characters into genera and then distinguished the species within the genera. He also divided animals in a 2-group and 3-group system. The 2 group system was blood and bloodless and the three group system was in terms of their movement: walking, flying and swimming (land, air or water). As can be seen such a system is too simple to classify the amount of animals we have today and so Aristotle's system became less useful. Just think for a moment, with a system so simple how would the millions of microorganisms found today be classified? By: A 2007 UWI Student

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Q: Why did Aristotle's classification system become less useful?
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