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Stage directions in drama can include directions of what the characters gesticulations (body language), mimik (facial expresions) and tone of voice are like. In addition comments about their surroundings and when they enter and exit are made in stage directions. They are to be taken as(not necissarily strickt) guidelines for the actors. Stage directions in dramas typicaly function as a way of setting the mood (often symbols and strong immigary can be found in these).

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12y ago

It helps keep things more organized with entrances and exits of characters. Also if you didn't have stage directions the play would be a mess because the actors wouldn't know where to enter and exit and when to enter and exit. It can also help the director when he/she is blocking scenes. This will also help a stand in actor/actress if the original fell ill or couldn't make it to the actual performance.

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because in a stage direction, you cannot perform properly your role if there's no direction

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Q: Why are stage direction is important in a play?
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noun. The definition of a stage direction is an instruction written in the script of a play that gives direction to the actors or information about the scenery. When the author of a play leaves a note in a script telling the actor to read a line with a sarcastic undertone, this note is an example of a stage direction.

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Stage directions help you by telling you what an actor/actress is doing

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Because he or she has to know which direction to turn, what direction others will come from, etc.

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Shakespears's A Winter's Tale

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The Winter's Tale. Exit, pursued by a bear.

How is math important to acting?

When acting you must know direction of the stage- stage left, stage right, and ect. Also the degree of direction plays a huge part, like "turn 40 degrees to your left then add 36 degrees" and so on.

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An important scene is when jake went on stage to do the play

Who plays the oboe in Shakespeare's plays?

Musicians. Oboes figure in the stage direction of eight of Shakespeare's plays. There is no direction of who is to play them, but presumably it was the company's musicians who did so.