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Q: Who said It is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all?
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Who sponsored Julius Caesar's explorations?

Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.Julius Caesar was not an explorer. It is said that he was interested in finding the source of the Nile, but he never tried to travel up the river and never sent out an expedition to explore.

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He never said that or tried to kill his daughter, he loves her dearly.

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