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The person that generally searches for any solution to an unsolved mystery of any kind is usually a part of a police force, and is referred to as a detective. Detectives are people within the police departments throughout the world that study evidence and try to come to conclusions on what crime was committed and for what purpose or motivation. Detectives usually do not dress as most police personnel, as they are on a higher pay grade because they actually 'do the math' and use their heads as ways of limiting or narrowing down suspects of specific crimes to the select people that are hopefully beyond doubt the assailants they are trying to put behind bars.

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Q: Who is the person who seeks the solution in a mystery?
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A person who seeks the solution in a mystery?

This person could be described as an investigator, detective, or sleuth. They are typically motivated by curiosity and a desire to uncover the truth behind a puzzling situation. Their skills usually involve a keen eye for detail, critical thinking, and a knack for piecing together clues.

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The part of a mystery in which the solution is revealed is called the denoument.

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A problem is any thing, any matter or any person that is difficult to deal with, although there is expected to be a solution. A mystery is anything that is kept secret or unexplained

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The Solution to the Mystery - 1915 was released on: USA: 13 December 1915

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an educated guess about a possible solution to a mystery or problem is a theory.>>> hope this helps .

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The part of a mystery where the solution is revealed is called the denouement. It is the point in the story where all the loose ends are tied up and the mystery is explained to the audience or reader.

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