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Q: Who employees pay minimum wage to?
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How much does HMV Canada pay its employees?

Starting employees get minimum wage.

Do employers have to pay minimum wage if gratuities are not paid?

legally, they are required to. However, employers that do not keep records of the employees actual wages don't pay their employees minimum wage if gratuities are not paid.

What is a sentence with the word minimum wage?

You must pay employees a minimum wage.The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money you can legally pay someone.The company was shut down for paying migrant workers below the minimum wage.

What does Walmart pay it's employees?

Part-time, and minimum wage.

How much does a pet shop employee make an hour?

Most pet shops pay their employees minimum wage to start. Check in your state to find out what the minimum wage is.

Who is impacted most from minimum wage laws?

Minimum wage laws affect employees who earn the minimum wage as well as business who pay the minimum wage to its employees. Increasing the minimum wage improves the quality of life for those who earn at or near the minimum wage, however, it can cause businesses to hire less employees or reduce staffing levels. That leads to higher unemployment for unskilled workers, who are the people that generally earn minimum wage. Those who earn minimum wage are probably most directly impacted by minimum wage laws. The laws also change the behavior of businesses by affecting staffing levels or passing cost increases on to their customers.

How much is the pay rate for McDonalds in South Carolina?

South Carolina's minimum wage is $7.25 ( or the federal level) McDonalds pays minimum wage to most of its employees that are starting out.

What is the minimum wage for employees for 13 or 14 years old?

Minimum wage is minimum wage. The age of the worker has nothing to do with the federal requirement of minimum wages being paid to employees, teenager or not.

What is the minimum wage for waitresses in Texas?

There currently isn't a Texas minimum wage, so they follow the federal minimum wage... However, this does not apply to restaurants, who have no minimum wage that they are required to pay their servers. I currently make $2.15 an hour.. Sickening! I do believe that Texas will have a new minimum wage coming into affect Jan 09' There is a current minimum wage for servers and it is the Federal Minimum of $2.13 per hour. There was only an increase for those not in a server, waitstaff job.

What is the minimum wage in Belgium?

There is no legal minimal wage. For employees up to 21 year, the "minimum"-wage is +- 1387 Euro

How much do you have to pay your employees?

one peanut and a few squids. Despite the hilarious first comment, the minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. There is a Youth Minimum Wage of $4.25 and hour for the first 9 days.

What is the minimum wage in America?

New York's minimum wage is $7.25 per hour for most employees.