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The eighth Amendment.

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Q: Which amendment to the Constitution covers cruel and unusual punishment?
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What amendment to the us Constitution covers freedom of the press?

The first amendment.

What do you call change made to your national constitution?

An amendment. For example, the first Amendment to the Constitution covers Freedom of Speech.

Is there a law regarding how long a solitay confinement prisoner be allowed out of cell each day?

(in the US) Other than the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution (prohibitting cruel and unusual punishment) I suspect that there are administrative rules of the various state's corrections systems that address this subject. However I am not aware of any statute that specificallly covers this particular circumstance.

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What amendment states that states must honor the laws of other states?

Article 4 of the US Constitution covers this area.

Tenth Amendment guarantees freedom of speech?

Freedom of speech is the first amendment. The tenth amendment says that those powers that are not specifically given to the federal government by the U.S Constitution are reserved for the states, or people. unless the constitution specifically prohibits it.

What amendment guarantees defendants have the right to use a lawyer in their defense?

In the United States constitution it is the sixth amendment that covers the right to a lawyer with Assistance to council right in which a criminal defendant has, under the sixth amendment, the right to be represented by council.

What part of the fourteenth Amendment forced the government to treat black citizens the same as while?

There is basically a sentence in the amendment that states all former slaves are citizens. The 14th amendment is one of the most important amendments of the constitution. It covers much more than citizenship rights of former slaves.

Which act is protected under the first amendment?

The 1st amendment act covers a few different thing. The 1st amendment covers free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and freedom of press.

Name on right granted by the first amendment?

The first amendment covers the freedom of speech.

What protects Americans their right to worship as they please?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects Americans' right to worship as they please. This amendment guarantees freedom of religion, allowing individuals to practice any religion or no religion at all without government interference.

What are the given rights at birth?

The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are your birth rights. The first amendment is the one that covers the majority of rights. As you age, you will be more dependent on the other amendments, such as the right to vote.