I sadly do not know the answer to this, and in all honesty, there might not be. But if your dad has knowledge about computers, he might want to look for jobs in the computer industry.
You can In find more information on Sports Management Jobs (or Spectrum Health Jobs) on www.indeed.com, www.jobsinsports.com, or www.careerbuilding.com.
Category management jobs are available in many fields. Careerbuilder.com is a great search engine to find jobs all across the country.
You can find information on fund management jobs at the Indeed and Monster websites. Alternatively, you can also find this information from websites such as Career Builder.
You can find information on automotive management job listings in your local newspaper under jobs. You can also go online and visit Hot Jobs, CareerBuilder and Monster.
One might reference CareerBuilder or Indeed for a sports management job. Other options would be to look in ones local news paper or education page. There one might find more offers as well.
There are many places where one might find hyperion jobs. One might find hyperion jobs at popular on the web sources such as Indeed and Career Builder.
The best place to find jobs in international financial management would be from money and financial websites. You could also find these particular jobs on career websites such as Career Path and Top Business Degrees.
One can find security management jobs in Texas by looking at the classified ads in the newspaper. Jobs can also be found on security firms websites and job search websites such as Indeed.
A person could find property management jobs by checking with the property management firms in your area to see if they have any openings. Another possibility would be to check the local want ads.
One can find information about health information management jobs from professional associations like the Maryland Health Information Management Association. Additionally, one can find information about these kinds of jobs from career resource websites like Career Builder and Kaplan.
You can find this information at the following sites I have looked up for you. Here are some sites you can check out www.cleveland.com/jobs/ , www.careerbuilder.com/Jobs/Cleveland,OH/.../Management/