

Where is radioactive material?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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10y ago

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There is radioactive material in any country that has done nuclear tests. In The United States of America there were many tests. These were mostly in Nevada. If you were to get clearance to go to the test site you would see the craters everywhere.

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the radioactive material is being stored in lead.

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Can radioactive be recycled?

Yes, there are a number of uses for radioactive material. It depends on the type of radioactive material.

What is defreent between radioactve and nuclear material?

Radioactive material refers to substances that emit radiation spontaneously, while nuclear material is any material that can undergo nuclear reactions such as fission or fusion. Essentially, all radioactive material is nuclear material, but not all nuclear material is necessarily radioactive.

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The name for the emissions of rays and particles by a radioactive material are called radioactive decay. There are many different types of radioactive decay that emit different rays and particles.

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The half-life of the radioactive material, the type of decay process, and the initial quantity of radioactive material are physical factors that do not affect the amount of radiation emitted by a radioactive source. Radiation emission is solely determined by the intrinsic properties of the radioactive material itself.

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The core of the earth is radioactive, as is the sun. Granites, which crystallize from mantle material are commonly slightly radioactive.

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The M43A1 detector contains a small amount of radioactive material typically in the form of a sealed radioactive source, such as cesium-137 or americium-241. This radioactive material is used to generate radiation for detection purposes in the detector.

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It is called contamination when an unwanted material containing radioactive atoms is present on another material. Contamination can occur through direct contact, airborne transfer, or ingestion of the radioactive material. It is important to address contamination promptly to minimize exposure and potential health risks.

What happens to radioactive materials if you do not use them?

That depends on the radioactive material. But whether you use it or not, the radioactive material will decay into other elements over the course of time. The time it takes for half of the material to decay into something else is called the "half-life". The more radioactive the substance is, the faster it decays. The half-life of a radioactive element can be measured from fractions of a second to billions of years.

What does a radioactive hazard placard on a vehicle indicate?

The radioactive placard on a vehicle indicates that the vehicle carries some amount or regulated radioactive material.

How should an explosive material and a radioactive material be stowed when they are carried together?

the same when separated

How are radioactive particles stored?

This depends on the specific material.

When a material ejects particles or energy spontaneously it is?

radioactive :)