yes it is you make blue gunk orange gunk and green gunk hope this works :)
the colors of gunk you get are completely random so there is no special way to get a certain color of gunk.
you cant get rainbow gunk!
There is no resource that can be found to learn how to get rid of the gunk that builds up in a slug hole. One can find information about slugs and their behavior at websites such as Velvet Dragon and Slug Off.
The gunk slips in your eye when you are very tired.
Ah, creating green gunk on Webkinz can be a fun and creative activity! You can start by mixing some yellow and blue paint together until you achieve a lovely shade of green. Don't be afraid to experiment and add different amounts of each color to get the perfect hue. Remember, there are no mistakes in art, just happy little accidents!
I find most sticker and label goo comes off with rubbing alcohol. It's never failed for me!
Well lets find out........ Any ingredients that aren't a recipe together make gunk.... There is no specific ingredients, just keep on trying wrong recipes then eventually you will get the color green.
Get all the color of gunk and mix them together.
Gunk brand engine cleaner/degreaser can be hosed off with water.
There is not enough information in the question to answer this. Where is the "gunk" coming out of?
the bits of gunk that sticks to your toes like bits of sock and sweat.