I'd suggest work agencies: there are a few on Belvoir street. The one I use is Workbank which is in Leic Uni Students Union but is open to the public. Ring up before to make an appointment, and take a cv with you. Remember to go slightly smartly dressed, rather than rough.
I don't have a job
how old do need to get a part time job? which gender can get part time job easier?
you cannot be 11 and have a part time job
i need a part time job mechanic 4cylinder
go to the graveyard and click on the Mausoleum and select "get part time job" your sim will then have a part time job at the graveyard.
A part-time job may take time away from friends and family. A person may not make enough money to pay their bills with a part-time job.
part time job in weather forecasting
Bella gets a part-time job at Newton's Olympic Outfitters.
yes he did, his job was part time drug dealer, and part time servant.
because in a part time job you can switch anytime and you only go for little bit
a part time job is 'un travail à temps partiel' in French.
part time valvoline oil change job is flexible.