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Q: When the pilot and the hermit rescue the mariner the pilots boy thinks the mariner is?
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Columbus was a highly educated map maker and mariner :)

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Assonance is the repetition of similar vowel sounds followed by similar consonant sounds in words that are close together. One example of assonance is found in ll.521-522(repetition of "o"), which enhances the lyrical quality of the stanza.

Who sings the song moon dance?

that old hermit that lives under your bed and comes out each night and bites your toenails because he's blind and he thinks they are roasted turkeys

What does the use of Kamikaze pilots indicate about Japanese culture?

That they love there country more than there loved ones so me thinks that they are (were ) nuts but they also believe in death before dishonour

Is the conflict in The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks external or internal?

The conflict is internal. It's internal because Taylor can't accept that he thinks he killed his father so he goes on the most dangerous missions he can to save people to try to make up for it. He has never had a serious, marriage relationship with a women and he thinks that Denise might be the one but he won't allow himself to be completely happy with her because of the horrible thing he thinks he did to his father, which is not his fault at all.

What page in the book hatchet does brian get rescued?

He finds the 'Survival Pack' from the plane, and in it there's an 'Emergency Transmitter' thingy. He presses the button on it but he thinks it doesn't work, but it does. It sends a message to a rescue plane and they come find him. In the end he's cooking frozen dinners from the survival pack and he shares the food with his rescuer.

What is the complication of the book New Moon?

edward trys to kill himself because he thinks Bella went cliff diving to kill her self so she has to go and rescue him and she looses her best friend Jacob and it becomes a big love triangle

What is another word for thinks?

believe: She thinks that ..... = She believes that..... assume: She thinks that..... =She assumes that... ponder/deliberate: She thinks. = She ponders.

Which one is correct he think or he thinks?

"He thinks" is correct. The verb "thinks" agrees with the singular subject "he."

Does this make sense she thinks of the world before her?

Yes it does. She thinks of the world, then thinks about herself.

How did the show Lost get its name?

They named it LOST, because the people on the island are lost. When the plane crashed, no one could find any evidence that there were any survivors, everybody thinks there dead, and no ones coming to find them (yet), making them "LOST" no one thinks there dead there just trying there best to find rescue and there is evidence in one of the 1st episodes the go on the plane and they see dead bodies

When was Thinks ... created?

Thinks ... was created in 2001.