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It is in equilibrium.

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Q: When the net force equals zero on a moving object what is it in?
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Can an object be moving but still have a net force of zero?

Yes, an object can be moving at a constant velocity (i.e., moving with no acceleration) and have a net force of zero. This occurs when the forces acting on the object are balanced, such as when an object is in equilibrium.

Can an object can be moving if the net force acting on the object is zero?

Absolutely. The key is to realize that a net force of zero on an object means only that it is not accelerating. This means that an object feeling zero net force can either be stationary or moving at constant speed in a straight line.

Is the net force zero if the object is not moving?

Yes, if an object is not moving, the net force acting on it is zero. This is because the forces acting in opposite directions cancel each other out, resulting in no overall force on the object.

The condition when the net force of an object equals zero?

When the net force on an object is zero, the object is in a state of equilibrium. This means that the object's acceleration is zero, and it either remains at rest or continues moving at a constant velocity.

Can an object be moving if the net force is acting on zero?

Yes, an object can be moving even if the net force acting on it is zero if there are other forces present that balance each other out. This can occur in situations like uniform circular motion where the centripetal force equals the centrifugal force, resulting in a net force of zero.

If the netforce on an object is zero then the object has?

If the net force on an object is zero, then the object is in either equilibrium (if it was at rest initially) or it is moving at a constant velocity (if it was already moving). This means there is a balance of forces acting on the object in opposite directions.

If the net force acting on an object is zero then what will the object do?

It will keep moving with a constant velocity since zero net force means no acceleration. If the object is at rest, it will just stay at rest.

The net force of an object is zero can you conclude that the object is at rest?

You can't. The net force simply means that the acceleration is zero. It could be at rest, or the object could be moving at a constant velocity.

If the net force on an object is zero then the object is?

Not accelerating. It could be stationary or moving at a constant speed.

An example of zero acceleration would be what?

If you are moving at a speed of ceratin speed and there is no force trying to slow you down, and there is no force trying to speed you up. Then there is zero acceleration. An example would be : an object in out in space, if you throw a object away from you the object will float away, since there is no force working on the object after you throw it the object is moving away in a locked speed from you, but have zero acceleration because there is no force affecting the object

How do you have zero net force but still have motion?

An object can have zero net force but still be in motion if it is moving at a constant velocity. In this case, the forces acting on the object are balanced, resulting in no acceleration. For example, an object traveling at a constant speed on a frictionless surface would have zero net force acting on it.

Why does a force can make a moving object stop?

A force can make a moving object stop because it can act in the opposite direction of the object's motion, reducing its velocity to zero. This force causes deceleration, ultimately bringing the object to a halt.