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Q: When stacking cases in the walk in freezer how much space should be between each stack?
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What should be the Supreme Court's criteria for which cases it hears?

The Supreme Court, like the other two branches of government, exists to serve the nation. They should hear cases that reflect on the issues that confront all US citizens, as well as those that result from conflicts between states or conflicts between federal laws and Constitutional rights.

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Both court-stacking and gerrymandering involve manipulating the composition of key decision-making bodies for political gain. Court-stacking focuses on influencing the judiciary, while gerrymandering involves redrawing electoral district boundaries to favor a particular party. Both tactics can undermine the independence and impartiality of institutions and distort the democratic process.

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Why can't you keep meat out of the freezer?

You can keep the meat out of the freezer until the ice melts so you can cook it. But not for more than about 2 1/2 hours because the most dangerous germs are in raw, unprotected meat. You can not eat the molded meat after cooking because the meat is already ruined.

Does a state or federal courts try cases dealing with disputes between states?

The US Supreme Court has exclusive original jurisdiction over cases involving disputes between the states. This is the only place such cases are heard.

How many cups are there in each speed stacking case?

Speed Stack cups come in sets of 12. There are no cases, but the Sport PAck package comes with either 15 or 30 sets of cups, so either 180 cups or 360 cups.

Why are freezer on top of fridge?

One possible reason is because of the size of the freezer compared to the size of the refrigerator portion. If the refrigerator portion were placed over the freezer, then you would have to kneel down to use the freezer. Another part of it could pertain to convection. Cold air tends to circulate down. So with the right amount of gap between the freezer portion and the rest, just enough cold air can flow down to cool the refrigerator. So the evaporator coils are only in the freezer and yet can cool the entire unit. If the evaporator coils were on the bottom, then only the lower portion of the refrigerator would be cool since heat rises, and some of the cavity space would be wasted. So for simplicity and efficiency, the coils are placed on top and that this area is made the freezer. So they cool only the freezer and have a small opening to let the cold air come down (or warm air to come up to be more accurate) to reach the 34-38 degrees Fahrenheit needed for the refrigerator. Sometimes there is an adjustable damper there. The thermostat is just for the refrigerator in most cases, since if the refrigerator is within proper range, the freezer would be too, all because of the design. On those with a control for the freezer, that control generally moves a little damper (door). So the colder you set the freezer, the harder you are making the refrigerator portion to cool. Since the actual thermostat is located in the refrigerator section, the longer the compressor must run to make that compartment the proper temperature when you close the damper (by setting the freezer control colder).

These type of cases deal with disputes between individuals or businesses?

Civil cases.