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"Work experience" should be a list of all of your previous employment. Include your title, contact information for the employer, dates you worked there, and an overview of your duties and what you accomplished while working there.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Set up your resume with the most relevant information at the top. If you are just getting out of school, list Education first; if you have been working, list your Experience at the top, starting with the most recent and working backwards.

Each section should be easily understandable with all relevant information on hand - what dates were you at the company, what your title was, where the company was located - are all important. Then under each job header you should have concise but descriptive bullet points telling the highlights of your responsibilities and actions.

After your Experience section, list your education with highest degree first, then you can list personal things such as certifications, personal accomplishments, hobbies, etc.

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16y ago

You should start with your current or most recent job and work backwards from there

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13y ago

Information about yourself, education and why you are interested in that job.

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9y ago

The more years of experience you are having, the more your resume will look bright and will attract the interests of the employers you intend to apply for placement.

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