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Change in job qualifications and work schedules, creation of more jobs, decrease in salary and wage packages, increase in job competition, and reduction or rise in unemployment levels are results of Immigration increasing the supply of available labor. For example, jobs may be restructured to include bicultural experiences and skills, pay rates may go down because supply exceeds demand, and unemployment rates will or will not fall depending upon the actions of businesses and governments.

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The question can not be answered. We don't have the choices you were given.

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One thing that can happen is that the wages offered to all will be less. The immigrants may take less so the employer may let go those he pays more to.

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Q: When immigrants add to the size of the domestic labor pool what is likely to occur?
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What is likely to occur when immigration adds to the size of the domestic labor pool?

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When immigration adds to the size of the domestic labor pool what likely to occur?

Wages are likely to decrease.

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