Legally, the only place an 11-year old can work is at their family business, such as if they ran a store or a farm. At 12, some states have jobs that can be done, such as shining shoes or delivering newspapers.
Don't forget chores around the house for allowance, grass cutting, raking leaves, baby sitting maybe.
In the United States, kids can legally start working at the age of 14, with some restrictions on the type of work and hours they can work.
well kids in china start working as soon as they can start walking.
i think that an 11 year old girl could start working. Because their growing up and want things ,that they have to pay for themselves.
I think they should start working out at age 15-16
kids can now start working at the ages of 16 with min pay
Kids can start working as a newspaper boy or girl at 14. But they can start stuff like being a waiter at 16.
In the city of Ember, children typically start working at around 12 years old. They are assigned jobs by the Mayor's office through a process called Assignment Day.
to get you off your butt and make you start working and to get you to do stuff because kids can be real big lazy butts
15. although some kids younger than 15 are hired illegally
your not stupid right it's at what time do you start working
kids died by not using the tools of working in factories.