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Q: When attempting to lower a person and body temperature in response to hyperthermia one should avoid treatments that induce shivering or vasoconstriction .why?
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When attempting to lower a person's body temperature in response to hyperthermia one should avoid treatments that induce shivering or vasoconstriction. why?

Shivering produces heat and vasoconstriction reduces the ability of blood to dump its heat load to the skin's surface where cooling occurs.

When attempting to lower a person's body temperature in response to hyperthermia one should avoid treatments that induce shivering or vasoconstriction?

Shivering produces heat and vasoconstriction reduces the ability of blood to dump its heat load to the skin's surface where cooling occurs.

When attempting to lower a person and body temperature in response to hyperthermia one should avoid treatments that induce shivering or vasoconstriction. Why?

Shivering produces heat and vasoconstriction reduces the ability of blood to dump its heat load to the skin's surface where cooling occurs.

What are Cooling treatments msotly used for?

The most common reason for cooling a body is fever or hyperthermia

Are window treatments really needed?

No, window treatments are a personal choice for your home. Window treatments can help insulate the home's temperature, and also protect against fading damage of paint, carpet, and furniture. Experts recomment treatments, but they are NOT required.

What are Cooling treatments?

Cooling treatments lower body temperature in order to relieve pain, swelling, constriction of blood vessels, and to decrease the liklihood of cellular damage by slowing the metabolism

At what temperature is milk pasteurized?

Milk is pasteurised at 63°C for 30 minutes (batch pasteurisation) or at 72°C for 15 seconds (High Temperature Short Time [HTST]). These heat treatments are equally effective.

What percent of people in the US die from lung cancer each year?

Approximately 25% of cancer-related deaths in the US are due to lung cancer each year. It is the leading cause of cancer death among both men and women in the country. Early detection and prevention measures, such as avoiding smoking and secondhand smoke, can help reduce this statistic.

How is mesothelioma treated?

Treatments for MesotheliomaResearch into new and more effective treatments for mesothelioma is ongoing. There is no cure as yet for mesothelioma. The standard treatments that attempt to hold back the progression of this cancer are:Surgery - to remove part of all of the affected body tissuesRadiation therapy - to target and kill the mesothelioma cellsChemotherapy - the use of drugs, injected or taken orally, to kill or stop the growth of the cancer cellsAnswer 2:All the above listed treatments are used in combination to provide relief to the patient. For more information on mesothelioma treatment, you may refer the following link: link below:''These treatments are all palliative treatments-used to help with pain but not for attempting to cure-as there currently is no cure for this type of cancer. These treatments as described in the link below can help extend life expectancy for people with mesothelioma, but they cannot eradicate the cancer.

What are the treatments for asthma?

the treatments of asthma are the inhalers and nebulizer

What treatments might help alleviate an anxiety disorder?

There are many treatments that may alleviate an anxiety disorder. Treatments can vary from simple therapy to extreme treatments such as shock convulsion therapy.

Medical treatments in 1933?

Please specify what medical treatments you are inquiring about.