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steel, as it is an alloy of iron

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Q: What would be the best metal for a magnet steel aluminum lead or tin?
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When you touch a magnet to a steel nail the nail attracts steel paper clips. Explaine why this does not happen when you use an aluminum nail?

it wouldn't be magnet to a aluminum nail because the aluminum is not a way of magnet and a steel nail would because steel is a way of magnet.

How would you separate iron metal from aluminum metal?

With a magnet.

Does aluminum react to magnet?

No, aluminum is not a magnetic metal and does not react to magnets in the same way that iron or steel would. This is because aluminum does not have magnetic properties at the atomic level.

What would not attach to a magnet a steel paper clip aauminum pot?

aluminum pot

What would be the quickest way to separate out the aluminum cans from the steel cans?

You can use a large magnet. Aluminum isn't magnetic, but steel is... Try that out. You should write A for Aluminum and S for steel on the cans so you don't get mixed up.

Ammo boxes are made from what kind of metal?

THey are stamped sheet metal and I would say they are a mild steel. Check it out with a Magnet; if the magnet sticks then it is definitely steel. If it doesn't then that does not stick that it could be an alloy with some iron in it.

If a person had a metal plate in their head would a magnet stick to it?

It depends on the composition of the metal plate. Magnetic materials like iron or cobalt would make the metal plate magnetic and attract a magnet. However, non-magnetic metals like titanium or stainless steel would not attract a magnet.

What was higher density steel or aluminum?

Steel typically has higher density compared to aluminum. Steel has a density of around 7.85 g/cm3, while aluminum has a density of about 2.70 g/cm3. This means that steel is heavier for the same volume compared to aluminum.

What can magnets pick up?

Magnets can pick up materials that contain iron, nickel, or cobalt. These materials are considered ferromagnetic and are attracted to magnets due to their magnetic properties. Objects like paper clips, nails, and certain types of metals can be picked up by magnets.

How is steel magnetic?

Steel is magnetic because it is primarily composed of iron, which is a ferromagnetic material. When steel is exposed to a magnetic field, the magnetic domains within the steel align in the direction of the field, creating a magnetic force. This property allows steel to be attracted to magnets and display magnetic behavior.

Would an aluminum can attract to a magnet?

No. The aluminum can does not have magnetic properties.

What can move on a scrap heap magnet?

Ferromagnetic materials such as iron, steel, and nickel can be attracted to a scrap heap magnet due to their magnetic properties. Other non-ferromagnetic items, such as plastic or wood, would not be affected by the magnet and would not move.