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it could be a lunch lady since they make proteins. or it could be the teachers because they help translate things to the students.

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Q: What would a ribosome be if it was a school job?
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What is the job in the cell ribosome?

the job is to produce proteins

What is the job of RNA?

carries information from DNA to the ribosome

What is the job for ribosome?

They synthesize proteins in cell.They provide surface for that

What is the job of the ribosome job in a cell?

It involves in synthesizing proteins.It act as the protein synthesizing factory.

What is the job of the ribosome cell?

The job of the ribosome is to synthesize proteins by translating mRNA (messenger RNA) into amino acids. Ribosomes are the cellular machinery responsible for protein synthesis and are found in all living cells.

What is the job of free ribosome?

It makes proteins that will stay within your cell.

What would a ribosome be in an amusement park?

If you are talking about a ribosome in a cell, it could represent the people.

When the Cullen from twilight gradute from school would they get a job?

No, they would take High school again.

What is the best first job for a 16 year old?

The ''best'' job is no job at all. School is what matters at that age. A job i would recommend would be groceries

How would a ribosome be compared to a ride?

i domnt no

What would you choose school or job?

I would choose a job. Because in a Job you can still learn and you have much more freedom to choose and do what you like.

What is the job of the ribosome in a animal cell?

It involves in synthesizing proteins.It act as the protein synthesizing factory.