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I used to think honesty was the best policy but I have worked for a company for almost 4 years and was honest about my background from the start. Now, the Loss prevention dept. has gotten wind of it and it has been pure hell the past month. I have been demoted, drug tested excessively and humiliated. The sad part is I never told the higher ups that the general manager and district manager knew the whole time. I guess I let them cover themselves while I got buried.

Regardless of the bad experience above, you must be honest up front. His/Her experience is part of the price to be paid for felonies. That being said, most employers are not as self serving as above. In most of the positions in a company an employee is not in a position to jeopardize the company's money, with the exception of retail. To start out, try to get work where you would not be handling money or accounts. If you find yourself in the hands of an employer like the above, it's time to look for a new one. Even folks who don't have a negative background can get in trouble with that situation.

For the resume, use terminology like "Unemployed 20xx-20xx: Inability to work to be discussed at interview".

If while incarcerated, you participated in a recovery, educational, or community service program, highlight that at the interview. If not, highlight what you have learned about life and how you can do better. Don't be discouraged, keep trying, it will just take you longer than someone else to get hired. Another price to pay for your mistake.

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Q: What would a convicted felon put on his resume for the time that he spent incaracated?
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It depends on several factors: Age of the person at time of chargeNature of the felonyRelationship between felon and victimState statutes ADDED: All of the above PLUS; Federal statutes (US Code Title 18) Additional info: In order to EVER be able to lawfully possess a firearm you will have to request that your felony record be EXPUNGED. To request an expungement of your STATE criminal record: You must have either been acquited or served the complete term of your sentence - then submit a petition to the court setting forth good reason(s) why your request should be granted. A judge will review your petition and the circumstances of your case and issue a ruling either granting or denying the request. AN EXPUNGEMENT IS NOT A PARDON! Law enforcement, the courts, and government agencies will always have access to your actual 'true' record. Expungement only removes the record of your offense from being viewed by the public. FELONS CONVICTED IN STATE COURT OF STATE CRIMES: If your request for expungement is granted and you are a resident of a state which completely or partially restores your "rights" (you will have to do research to learn if this applies to your particular state), you will still remain subject to any restrictions that your state laws place on you (e.g.- voting rights - holding elective office - firearms/ammunition possession - etc). CAUTION: FEDERALLY CONVICTED FELONS: It remains a FEDERAL felony offense for a federally convicted felon to ever own or possess a firearm. The U.S. Criminal Code, makes the penalty for illegal possession of a firearm a mandatory minimum of fifteen (15) years in prison in some cases (Title 18 U.S.C. sec 924(e)(1). At this time federally convicted felons have no solution to their firearm disqualification problems. By denying funding, Congress has effectively suspended the review of federally convicted felons' petitions for restoration of their firearms privileges.

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