When you do your best as an administrative secretary, handling personnel, payroll, bosses secretary as well as secretary to loss control consultants, always ready to assist your boss (the president of the company) for 25 years, he hires his wife for $50,000 a year to sit and talk to her sorority sisters and have her hair and nails done , while I am making $20,000 a year and then when it is time for salary increases, my supervisor advises me that I will not be getting a raise that year, so she gave her notice and I, too, quit. A very dishonest and coniving boss. May he live a hellish life!!!!!
Well if you resign from a job you become jobless... so yeah. You would.
if i resign from my job for medical reasons in the state of indiana can i receive unemployment benefits
The noun "resignation" is a companion noun for "resign." It refers to the act of resigning from a position or job.
" I resign"
Benedicto XVI, was the first pope to resign in 600 years, so yes they can resign. You should watch or read more news because this just happened today.
Well you could get a new job and get on with your life.
The prefix for "sign" is "re-". For example, resign means to give up a position or job.
Quitting, Resignation, Resigning.
The word "resign" can function as both a verb and a noun. As a verb, "resign" means to voluntarily leave a job or position. As a noun, "resignation" refers to the act of resigning or the formal statement of this decision.
Richard Nixon
write i resign from this job and put your signature at the bottom of the letter.
its when you resign/quit your job voluntarly(you quit on your own terms), you don't get fired