As the world was just coming out of global conflict (world war 2) there were enormous amounts of trades across the world that were short of skilled labour. There was a push to focus young men in particular in to the engineering, and construction trades despite women having undertaken may of those trades to a degree in the war time. In the UK young men were also expected to follow "national service" (required to join the forces) for at least 2 years, this broke the apprenticeship processes in place at the time
Common Ave- - 2003 The '80s was released on: USA: 11 June 2003
Cooling problems are common. Other than that it is as reliable as any other car made in the 80s.
Britney Spears
Duarn Duran
the most popular cars in the 80s were your mom
Usually they were used as a place for gay men to have random sex and do drugs, most common in SF and NY. In the late 70s and early 80s this was a common and acceptable practice in the gay community. Until people started paying more attention to AIDS realizing it could be spread sexually they were very popular. Now they are not allowed in SF.
elections, '80s
New Wave
Whitney Houston
big hair bands
Duran Duran
I think one of the most popular forms of art in the 80s was cubism. There was probably more than one popular form of art though.