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ANSWER A:This act forbade the importing into or the exporting from the British colonies of any goods except in English or colonial ships and it forbade certain enumerated articles -- tobacco, sugar, cotton, wool, dyeing woods, etc. -- to he shipped to any country, except to England or some English plantation.


E is for Enumerated articles

Enumerated were items that were forbidden from being exported to certain countries. Some of the many items that were apart of this large action were tobacco, sugar, cotton, wool, dyeing woods, etc. It was prohibited to send these items to anywhere except England, and occasionally English plantations. This act was named the Navigation Act of 1660. If the act had been better enforced, the result of people disobeying the new law would be disastrous. For many colonists, surviving off of only exports to England was awfully difficult. Most people enjoyed the flourishing trade that transpired with other surrounding countries. Although, many items were left off of the forbidden list, the ones that were on it created the most business and success. This made obeying the law treacherous. Along with this frustrating act, tobacco was prohibited in England. This was one of the most startling rules, for some of the largest profits came from selling this premium good. Even with heavy new weights on their shoulders, the colonists made it along the infuriating years of confusing rules.

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