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Q: What were common Danish jobs in the early 1900s?
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What were some jobs in Finland in the early 1900s?

Servants, Sweepers, House cleaners.........

What jobs did migrant workers have in Salinas CA?

ranch hands were the most frequent jobs back in the early 1900s

What were German jobs in the early 1900s?

Some jobs in Germany in the 1900's were farming, bartender in saloons, merchants, and salesman. Another job was a harness maker.

Where did immigrants come into the US on the east coast in the early 1900s?

In the early 1900s, millions of immigrants came to East Coast cities such as New York City and Boston. Cities were a popular destination due to the availability of jobs.

Why did people leave Italy in early 1900s?

because of bad economics . and bad jobs! arrived at Ellis island !

Increasing number of them took jobs in mills factories offices and stores during the late 1800s and early 1900s?


What types of jobs were available in Dallas in the early 1900s and why?

Jobs such as oil drillers, engineers, railroad service workers, lumber workers, oil operators, lawyers, bankers, and accountants were available in Dallas in the early 1900's.

How did electricity change cities in the early 1900s?

Workers were able to more easily commute to their jobs while living outside the center of the city.

What jobs were their doing in the early 1900s in australia?

carpenter, blacksmith, agricultural labourer professional people like doctor, lawyer or successful business/factory owner

Why did some factory owners want to hire women instead of men in the early 1900s?

because some woman needed jobs and the men where fighting in the war

Did immigration help Canada's economy in the early 1900s?

Yes, immigration did help Canada's economy in the early 1900s. Around this time, jobs that were previously performed by manual laborers were being moved over to machines, and the influx of new citizens helped to boost sales of items made with these machines.

What did the growth of the automobile industry in the early 1900s lead to?

It led directly to: 1. a more mobile population 2. jobs at automobile factories 3. jobs at oil refineries 4. jobs at gas stations 5. a booming tire business