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Living and working conditions for the Irish immigrants were very poor. They were treated like second class citizens by the Americans and usually had to work in factories or other similar industries.

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Q: What was migrant working conditions?
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What are the working conditions like for migrant workers?

extremely hard with not allot of pay?

How did Cesar Chavez help migrant farm workers?

The UFW helped migrant farm workers by providing them with a means to collectively bargain for better working conditions and wages. It also allowed them to get better health care and living conditions.

What did Steinbeck do to learn about the migrant workers?

Steinbeck traveled with migrant workers, lived in labor camps, and conducted interviews to learn about their experiences. He also observed the living and working conditions of the migrant workers firsthand to accurately depict their struggles in his writing.

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What are the living conditions of migrant workers today?

The living conditions of migrant workers include unsanitary living quarters with nasty toilets. They are exposed to illnesses without proper medical treatment.

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chavez and the UFW wanted to pressure growers to improve working conditions.

What are the living conditions of migrant workers?

The living conditions of migrant workers include unsanitary living quarters with nasty toilets. They are exposed to illnesses without proper medical treatment.

What would a day be like for a migrant worker?

A day for a migrant worker usually involves long hours of physical labor in fields or other labor-intensive jobs. They may face poor working conditions, low pay, and lack of job security. Migrant workers often live in temporary housing and may face social isolation and discrimination.

When did migrant workers start and why?

Migrant Workers began working in the 18th century. They work when one country does not have enough workers to supply the demand.

Where did the migrant workers live when they were in the 1950's?

Migrant workers in the 1950s often lived in temporary housing called labor camps or migrant camps provided by the agricultural employers where they worked. These camps typically consisted of basic accommodations such as barracks, trailers, or tents. The living conditions in these camps were often overcrowded, lacked basic amenities, and were harsh for the workers.