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Q: What unique qualities or abilities would you bring to our company?
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What can you bring for a company?

Employers ask this question to potential employees because they want to know why it is they should hire you. You should really focus on your strengths, expertise, and unique qualities and how they fit into the requirements of the position for which you are applying.

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You need to answer this question by pointing to past achievements. You can give specific examples from your past experiences where you made use of your unique abilities.

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Jonas is unique in the community because he is selected to be the Receiver of Memory, a position of great importance and responsibility. He is chosen for his intelligence, sensitivity, and ability to see beyond the controlled environment of his society. Jonas's unique qualities enable him to challenge the status quo and bring about change in the community.

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What will you bring to this company?

There are many different things that you could bring to a company. You may bring organization or a friendly attitude for example.

What can you do for your company that someone else cannot do?

You can tell them how your own unique background and personality make you the perfect fit for this company and the job. You can bring a standard of excellence and creativity that hasn't been seen before. You need to tailor the answer to this question to the industry you are in.

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A good interview question would be: "What qualities do you bring to this company?". In order to have a good interview question, you must ask the person applying why he or she would be a perfect fit for the position.

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When a guy says you're refreshing, it means he finds you different in a positive way compared to other people he has interacted with. You bring a sense of renewal or vitality to his life through your unique qualities or perspectives. It is likely a compliment on your ability to bring something new or positive to the conversation or relationship.