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Q: What tools are needed for a scientist to clone?
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Related questions

How can clone be used in a sentence?

The scientist made a clone of himself. The clone is identical to the original animal.

Why is it important to isolate and clone diseased gene?

Isolating and cloning a diseased gene allows researchers to study the gene's function and effects on the body, leading to a better understanding of the disease. This information can help in the development of targeted therapies and personalized medicine for individuals affected by the disease.

What was the goal of the first scientist?

to clone an animal

Why should scientsist not clone humans?

Cloning humans raises ethical concerns, as it may infringe on individual rights, lead to devaluation of human life, and pose risks to the health and well-being of the cloned individuals. Additionally, there are unresolved safety and technical issues surrounding human cloning that could have unknown consequences.

What actors and actresses appeared in Clone - 2007?

The cast of Clone - 2007 includes: Giuseppe Rossi as A scientist

Are they trying to clone anyone?

scientist right now are working on it

Who clone dolly?

In 1997, a Scottish scientist named Ian Wilmut.

Why is genetic engineering needed?

to clone things.

Did scientists ever clone a human?

No scientist haven't yet cloned a human

What is the names of tools use by scientist for observing?

their tools and observations.

How does scientific tool help a scientist?

How do scientific tools help a scientist

What do you need to clone people?

You need a scientist and a persons dna then you need years of technology