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That depends what the statements are.

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Student loans must be paid back six months after they are issued.

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Q: What these statements about student loans is not true?
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If you have outstanding student loans and die is the estate charged for the student loans?

Actually, that's not true - student loans are forgiven when the student dies.

Which statements about installment loans is not true?

Installment loans are loans on which the interest is paid first and the borrower receives the proceeds A+

Can you receive financial aid if you have student loans?

true but the most part of them

Where can student loans be obtained?

from various lending institutions. ^While true, avoid getting private student loans when possible as you aren't entitled to certain rights such as forbearance and deferments, These lenders also have interest rates that vary month to month depending on market conditions. If possible, always get Federal student loans.

Does congress get intersts free loans?

An email presently in circulation states that dependents of members of congress do not have to repay student loans. Is this true?

Are student loans forgiven after age 60?

Are student loans forgiven at age 60? Are student loans forgiven at age 60?

What company provides direct student loans?

There are only a few companies that provide direct student loans. You can go to a bank and get student loans from there, or you can get Federal Loans from your school.

Privately owned companies generally offer better student loans than the federal government?


Can private student loans be consolidated with federal student loans?

Sometimes private student loans can be consolidated depending on certain factors including the rules of your lender, whether you are in deferrment or default and your credit score. You cannot however, consolidate federal student loans and private student loans together.

What kind of agency is The Student Loan People?

The Student Loan People is an agency that specializes in student loans. They are located in Kentucky. They work with people getting student loans, collections and repayments of student loans.

Are all student loans federal loans?

No, private lending institutions (such as banks) also give out student loans.

Are all student loans issued by the Federal Government?

No..there are also private student loans.