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Q: What system relies on full time and salaried staff?
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If you work part time are you a salaried employee?

You can be, it depends. Whether or not you are a salaried employee is something that you should know based on the way you get paid and your work schedule. If you get paid hourly, you are not a salaried employee.Whether you are salaried depends on your job duties ... not on how often you get paid. All overtime exempt employees must be paid for full days. Still, one could work three or four days a week at a properly salaried exempt job and be a part-timer.

What type of video-over-ip relies on full-duplex communication?

videoconferencing is full-duplex

Do you need to have law enforcement experience to get the top salaried security guard jobs?

While many police officers take second jobs as security force, these are not always the individuals who get the top salaried jobs. Many of those top salaried positions are only available for full time workers, or those who will be with the company long enough to work up through the corporation.

Full form for nurse?

staff nurse

What is the full form of asgs?

the full form of asgs is Assistant Secretary of the General Staff

A full medical staff that can provide most medical care and minor surgery on the premises is a?

medical staff

What type of video-over-IP service relies on full-duplex communication?

video conferenceing

What if I work only the last half of the week will I get paid a full week?

It depends on the contract you have. If you are salaried then yes you will, however if on an hourly or daily rate then probably not

If a salaried employee goes home sick and has worked for an hour do they need to use sick time to get paid for the day?

No, you should be compensated for the full day.

Why is the flag flown at half staff until noon on Memorial Day then raised to full staff?

On Memorial Day, the flag flies at half staff for only the first half of the day to honor the war dead. At noon it is raised to full staff to show that the nation lives.

What has the author YoungjinCom Staff written?

Youngjin.Com Staff. has written: 'Photoshop Elements Accelerated: A Full-Color Guide'