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None a lot of Employers will take you on face value, it ain't about what you got on paper it's how you sell yourself, trust me my friend is a bank manager and she's got nothing :)

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You need to do Business and Maths

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Q: What subjects do you need to study to become bank manager?
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Which subjects to study to become a bank manager?

if I was you guys I would study maths further-maths economics and if you want to be come a investment banker like me you should know economics GOOOD LUCK

Which subjects should you learn if you want to become a bank manager?

Accounting, business management.

What do you have to study to become a bank manager?

To became a bank manager at the college you need to study finance, accounting, economics and business. But make sure that the college that you apply for is "sixth form". Hope it helped you. :-)

How do you become a bank manager?

you need to be self motivated and you need to study you work and get hight grades and and,,,,,,,,,................................

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What are the qualification to become a Bank manager?


What qualifications does one need to become a bank manager?

There are several qualifications a person needs to become a bank manager. Some qualifications needed to be a bank manager would be needing a certificate or degree in banking, or a professional degree in banking.

How many years to become a bank manager?

you take business related subject in uni and the vgo work in a bank for several years and then you can become a bank manger

How long does it take to become a bank manager?

To become a bank manager a person should have a Bachelor's degree in either accounting, business administration or finance. A Bachelor's degree takes four years to complete.

How long do you have to study to become a manager in a bank?

A bank manager can refer to many different areas. It can be a manager in sales, investment, customer service etc... Different areas would then require different levels of education and professional certifications. Rather, in these management positions, experience is often more valuable than education. The length and level of the studies may only get someone into a position. Afterwards, performance and experience are the major factors of determining whether someone becomes a manager.

What are qualifications needed to become a bank branch manager?

Typically a bank branch manager would have to have certain qualifications to obtain a job. Having good analytical skills, good people skills, a Bachelor's Degree, and 5 years of financial institution experience.

What study is needed in college to be a bank manager?

You'll want to study finance, economics, statistics and administration. ----------------------- Master in Commerce or Business Administration major in Banking & Finance.