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Q: What step is considered optional when responding to a situation assertively?
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What do you need on a map?

Date Orientation (which way is north) Grid Scale Title Author Index (optional) Legend Situation (optional, shows where in the world it is on a small map, or a closeup.)

What does conflict is inevitable but combat is optional mean?

Whatever best fits the situation. I usually prefer no combat

Is a spotlight considered to be optional equipment in Oklahoma?

true, I had to know that for my driver's test.

What are tha farm animals?

Pigs, horses, cows, chickens, cocks, ducks (optional), donkeys (optional), sheep, goats, cats (optional), dogs (optional), bull, bunny (optional), turkey (optional).

Is bond is a optional money?

no bond is not an optional money. A cheque can be a form of optional money.

What part if the a check is least important?

The memo line on a check is typically considered the least important part as it is optional and does not affect the processing of the payment.

Is a Optional dell modem needed?

no, it is optional

When did ford start putting air bags in their cars?

in 1973, it was considered optional. For safety reasons they starred putting airbags in every car in 1974

A sentence with the word optional?

The word problem was optional.

What is the Opposite of compulsory?

The opposite of compulsory (compelled) would be voluntary or optional.

How many rakats in prayer isha?

Isha:i) Four rakat sunnat e Ghair Mokadda (Optional but spiritually beneficial)ii) Four rakat Fardiii) Two Rakat Sunnat Mokaddaiv) Two rakat Nafil (Optional but spiritually beneficial)v) Three rakat Wajibvi) Two rakat Nafil (Optional but spiritually beneficial)

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optional recovery number