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My objective of contribution to company is to follow the guide lines of community and maintain the reputation in answering the questions irrespective of caste, creed, region and relation besides impartially.

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13y ago
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9y ago

If someone asks what immediate contributions can you make to the company answer honestly. Tell them about your skills that are needed in the job.

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What is your contribution to our company?

The company wants to know what you think you are bringing to them. Everyone should make some type of contribution to their employer.

What contribution do you think you can make to the company?

I may first share my ideas with athers

How long would it take you to make a contribution to this company?

The time it takes to make a contribution to the company depends on the nature of the contribution. It could range from a few hours for a smaller task to several weeks or even months for a larger project. It also depends on factors such as resources available, collaboration with team members, and alignment with company goals.

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for my contribution to company ,., i give my loyalty and good performance to the company and i give my best performance ,.,.,

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For 2013, the maximum contribution is $3,250 for a single person and $6,450 for a family. The catch up contribution for people aged 55 and over remains at $1000.

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to be a part of the company is great pleasure and opportunities to develop my skills in my chosen field and to make a significant contribution in the company and country.

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Where is Roth IRA Contribution Limited located?

There is no company or entity entitled Roth IRA Contribution Limited. Roth individual retirement account contribution limits refer to the maximum contribution a person can make to such an account in a given year. Those limits are set annually and published by the Internal Revenue Service as Publication 590.