

Best Answer

This is one of those questions people find tricky at interviews. The right approach for this question is to use it to highlight the 2/3 key strengths/skills that you have which match the requirements for the job. The job requirements will either be in; the advert, a person specification sent to you, or they will have told you during the interview.

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Q: What qualities do you possess that make you the best candidate for this job as fresher?
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Why are you the ideal candidate for this position?

i have all the abilities which your company wants like i have a very good reasoning and analytical ability ,good communication skills and the qualities which a professional should possess in order to move in any industry like integrity, honesty, sympathy self-esteem and determination i do possess all these qualities and while working in your company i will improve all these qualities in a much better way.

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Why do you think you are the best person for the job?

i have all the abilities which your company wants like i have a very good reasoning and analytical ability ,good communication skills and the qualities which a professional should possess in order to move in any industry like integrity, honesty, sympathy self-esteem and determination i do possess all these qualities and while working in your company i will improve all these qualities in a much better way.

Why is it important to create a short list?

To aid in making choices. For example, if you have 100 applicants for a job, the best way to narrow your choice of candidate is to create a short list of people who have the best qualities.

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