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Some of the most desirable attributes of a leader are? Honesty, commitment, have a vision (forward looking), competence, be a motivator, be a mentor, show competence. Lead by example.

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12y ago

a good leader should possess courage, because theyjust shoudl

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The administrator must have codial relationship with his students, teaching staff and non teaching staff

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Q: What qualities do you believe a good leader should possess?
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Sunni's believe their leader should be Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and their lord Allah.

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Should have went to collage a good record and be married

What would happen if a leader did not have qualities?

If a leader did not have the qualities needed to be a leader then they should have never been assigned the role of the leader. Some people are not assigned leader but just looked at as the leader and when someone is looked up to people typically follow what that person does; so if they do not have the right qualities then most likely the team will not be all that great.