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Q: What proportion of people work in primary industries farming fishing forestry manufacturing construction industries and services in England?
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What proportion of people work in primary industries farming fishing forestry manufacturing construction industries and services in Russia?


Which is one of Canada's largest manufacturing industries?

Forestry products.

What is the proportion of people working in primary industries in Australia?

i think in Australia the proportion work might be framing, fishing or forestry.

What are 3 main industries in Ontario?

Mining, forestry, and tourism

What are the top 3 industries of Saskatchewan?

forestry, agriculture(farming),not a lot but some fishing, mining and manufacturing

What are some major industries in Ontario?

Mining, Forestry, etc .

What was Canada's chief economic industry in the 1880's?

There are actually 5 main industries in Canada in the 1800s, they were: fishing, forestry, fur trade, farming, and manufacturing. In the first half of the 1800s, fishing, forestry, and the fur trade were more important. By the second half of the century, fishing, farming, and manufacturing became more important. The importance of the furtrade and the forestry industry were declining by 1870 while the importance of the fishing, farming, and manufacturing industries were on the rise.

Types of industry in Canada?

There are three main types of industries in Canada: natural resources, manufacturing and services. Natural resource industries: forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining and energy. Manufacturing industries: make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Service industries: provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications, retail services and government. More than 70 percent of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries.

What proportion of people work in primary industries farming fishing forestry manufacturing construction industries and services in Spain?

Why Spain I wanted in italy omg how was it soposted to know this is was asking it too and you have to say that I am going through a hard time right know my kids need this information so I am not going to answer any questions regarding this because I do not know the answer so I am very sorry about this article bye bye bye bye bye bye bye and have a great mothers day..

What is the main industry in Laos?

Agriculture, Construction, Forestry, Mining, Ore Processing, Timber Milling, Textiles are the main industries in Laos.

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Are there any jobs in Minnesota?

Minnesota's strongest industries include agriculture (wine growing), forestry, mining and manufacturing (including technological and biomedical firms). Perhaps you could start by looking in one of these industries.