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Q: What preposition is used before profession name?
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What is the Preposition which is used before insisted?

The preposition "on" is often used before "insisted." For example, "She insisted on coming with us."

What preposition is often used before choose?

The preposition "between" is often used before "choose" in the phrase "choose between."

When using but as a preposition do you put a comma before it?

Yes, when "but" is used as a preposition, a comma is typically not placed before it. It is used to mean "except," "other than," or "besides" in a sentence.

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Is the word before a preposition?

Yes, before is a preposition. It also is an adverb and conjunction.

Is before an adverb or preposition?

"Before" can be used as both an adverb and a preposition. As an adverb, it modifies a verb or adjective (e.g., "I had seen him before."). As a preposition, it is used to show the relation of a noun to another word in the sentence (e.g., "She left before the party started.").

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Is before a prepositional phrase?

"Before" can be used as a preposition to indicate the position in time or space that something occurs. In the sentence "She arrived before the meeting," "before the meeting" is a prepositional phrase that tells when she arrived.

Which of these words is not a preposition - before onto play below?

Play is not a preposition. It is a verb used to describe an action or activity. The other words, before, onto, and below, are prepositions used to show relationships between nouns or pronouns in a sentence.

What is the preposition of the sentence what's the name of this street?


Do you use a comma before a conjunction or preposition?

A comma is typically used before a conjunction (e.g., and, but, or) when joining two independent clauses. However, a comma is not generally used before a preposition, unless it is necessary for clarity or emphasis.

What is the correct form of speech for the word during?

The word "during" is a preposition used for adverbial phrases. It represents the present time, and unlike the preposition-adverbs before and after, it cannot be used without an object.